This transcript is made especially for Jeabananas.
It’s a bit embarrassing to realize that all these months, I have only been looking forward to one date and one date only. But I really would not have forgiven myself if I did not attend. I had this nagging feeling that something will go wrong that I will be unable to watch. That was paranoia kicking in, and the fear that it was all too good to be true. But there it came, February 26. It was Super Junior Super Show 3 in Manila and I was there with my sister, screaming our guts out.
A few observations that I have to jot down, lest I forget (though the images are all still pretty much tattooed in my head). A fan account, if you will (omgee I am actually authorized to make a fan account!!), in no particular order since the tattooed images are all unorganized. I can’t even remember the songs when some of these happened. I am just sure that they did, and are not just figments of my imagination.
- Stage opened with a flying Hae. He was blonde and in white and was pretty like an angel. How could this show go wrong? Already so perfect.
- Members flying all over in their wires. I worry for their manhood. Though at the time I was just screaming.
- Teuk and Sungmin throwing our confetti and bringing balloons in No Other was too cute. I want them in my pocket.
- Lady Hee was EPIC. Just…epic. Skin tight skirt was not enough, he had to lift it up and flash his black briefs. I will never hear Poker Face the same way again.
- Lady Hee gyrated to a backup dancer in Crazy in Love. Poor girl was not ready for it. Just stood there hand over face as Lady Hee danced all over her (omo)
- EunHae were pretty as Beyonce. Hyuk was girl-sexy smooth. Hae kept smoothing out his hair, lol, conscious girl. He was so pretty!!!
- And the EunHae grind, the GRIND in Single Ladies 8D man-hips could not have moved any better.
- Shindong was there too (mian). Hae pulled on his dress and revealed a nipple. Cue the chase xD
- Heechul was just stand out pretty. He was not feeling well and it kinda showed. But his trademark silly dancing was still over the place. And so we screamed: MILKY WHITE SKIN KIM HEECHUL! WE LOVE YOU KIM HEECHUL!
- Siwon is a stripper. Why he had to do that??? Danced with only a vest on then take the vest altogether. No member wanted to get near the chocolate abs, lol, threatened. Gah. Made me scream every time.
- Siwon is something else when he is not sick. He was ill last year’s show, so he had to sit out on a few dances and was a bit quiet. So I was not ready for the stripping and his chasing and tickling and tackling of Hae. It was SiHae and his chocolate abs all over. Can’t complain.
- Siwon is super hot, in case that was not clear yet.
- We officially like Yesung now too. He is handsome in person, he just does not stage-whore like the others so he’s not such a standout. But yes, pogi. So love for all 10 members now <3
- Yesung got teary eyed when he sang It Has to be You. He had the audience sing the chorus, and they did (I did not know the lyrics, so yay for the fans who knew!). It must have felt good. Having a non-Korean speaking audience sing to you the chorus of a Korean song <33
- Sungmin sexy dancing with four girls. It was like soft porn on stage (but maybe I don’t know enough about soft porn). While watching that I thought two things: 1. I am glad Sungmin is not my bias, 2. This is him trying to move out of his aegyo image again, hardworking baby.
- EunHae’s I Wanna Love You! Been preparing my heart for that. They did not both take off their shirts like they did in the other countries, but Hae’s shirt ripped open, and that was sexy enough for me. Anyway the entire three minutes of that was undiluted smexy. Ruined by the girl backup dancer though. It would have been just EunHae love all over.
- Eunhyuk’s solo Down was hot. Hae watched him from the sidelines, full support to his Hyuk. I just have to say, Eunhyuk grew up well! He wasn’t this hot before. Just proves how a lot of sexy dancing talent, SM training and SM makeovers can do. Thumbs up. You deserve my Hae.
- Henry pulls a Justin Beiber. I was surprised to see him. I read news that he and Zhoumi are not in SS3, so yay for the Philippines! The kid sure can play the piano. And then it started to come out as Beiber’s Baby and cue crowd going wild. So cute, so hot.
- Leeteuk did not have a solo. Why do I feel he is saying goodbye? :/
- TRAX performed Oh My Goddess! I did not know TRAX was smexy too. Thank you SME.
- A fan gave Kyuhyun a rose. He took it, pulled off the petals, stuffed them in his pocket, then threw back the stem to the crowd. I love him. Such a cute retard <33
- Hae holding Kyu’s hand and pulling him.
- Siwon falling over Hae. Hyuk just dancing and rapping while they roll over.
- Ending. Leeteuk makes Henry the English translator. Teuk forgets Henry is not native Korean and talks really fast. Had to repeat everything he said to Henry’s ear. Henry translates. Fans scream.
- Kinda sad they were not able to learn at least ‘salamat’. They only said thank you in Korean and Chinese :/
- Bitchy Hae is <3. He seemed kinda off and tired, but I like it. I like my boys kinda bitchy <33 anyway, he was more than happy to play with Siwon and Kyu and Hyuk.
- Hae wearing a shirt from a fan (jealous).
- All the Polaroid moments with patron seat fans (sooo jealous).
- Kyuhyun (like he did last year) getting all the gifts then putting them in a pile on stage, then running off to hide them all in the end. So cute!
- Teuk giving his shirt to a specific fan. I don’t know why said fan deserves such awesome karma. Teuk stood in front of a section and asked the other fans to part, pointing politely to the fan he wanted to give his shirt to. Fans parted. Throw was a bit short. Fan who caught it passed the shirt on to the rightful owner. Teuk beamed, bowed and ran away.
- Kyu waving at us, er, at my sister. Only at my sister, hehe.
- Noticed that Philipines is mostly Hae, Kyu, Sungmin, Heechul, Siwon and Leeteuk biased. Okay, we screamed for everyone. But those are the ones who got screams that woke graves.
- The vegetables were soooo cute!! Don’t know why but the onion traded for the broccoli, so my Hae was a broccoli. And we eat broccoli a lot, so it was cosmic love.
- I have to conclude with: Hae is so pretty. He really is. So perfect and beautiful and he is my ultimate bias forever. Bow.
Will add if my sleepy, high mind remembers more. I am praying for Super Show 4.
Screw the circus. Super Show 3 was the best show on earth.

Manila!! Feel so good!! I really fxxkin love U!! 몸이 많이 안좋았는데 필리핀의 뜨거운 함성에 기운이 났어 Im krazy!! U toooo~
I do not own the pictures. Credits to the lovely people who can take them without spazzing (as tagged)