Drama Review

Nick and Jess’s First Kiss Went a Little Like This

There are a lot of times you would wish you didn’t answer the itch to know the spoilers. Like in every Twilight movie (because you know how it will all end anyway, you fan girl) and in watching every movie preview that when pieced together basically already spills the entire story (most recent, annoying case in point: Nicholas Sparks’ Safe Haven).

Like in the kiss presented above between zombie-novel writer, bartender and underachiever extraordinaire Nick Miller and short-in-stature-but-not-in-spunk Jessica Day. Despite the subtle flirtations and that easy chemistry planted so wisely into the series as early as the New Girl pilot, I really did not see this coming.

Thank you Liz Meriwether. And thank YOU, Nick Miller. Where have you been all my life?

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