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Indie Writer Philippines

Writing Now

#romanceclass Podcast Episode 6: Just for the Record by Six de los Reyes

This is one of those things you don’t consume before breakfast. Fair warning.

Episode 6 of the #romanceclass podcast features feels like you’ve never heard it before. It’s whimsical, it’s bittersweet, and it’s concise in how it delivers that lightning punch to your gut. So, so good. Gio Gahol reads as Isaiah, and Rachel Coates reads as Rhys. So yeah, happy Valentine’s day! Hehe. Continue Reading

Writing Now

#romanceclass Podcast Extra: Interview with Mina V. Esguerra, Author of Never Just Friends

The #romanceclass podcast comes with a few extras! Listen to an interview below with Mina V. Esguerra, the Queen of Feels and author of Never Just Friends.  Listen to her talk about her thoughts and feelings (there were many) about the podcast season that started as a dream and an experiment. Get the latest scoop too about her upcoming books 🙂 Continue Reading

Writing Now

#romanceclass Podcast Episode 5: Cover (Story) Girl by Chris Mariano

I’m late, I know! But if you’re subscribed to the #romanceclass podcast, then you would have already listened to the episode featuring Cover (Story) Girl by Chris MarianoIf you haven’t subscribed OR listened to the podcast yet, then both are just a couple of clicks away. So, go click!

In this episode, Rachel Coates plays Min Hee, while Gio Gahol plays Gio (hehe). And also a waiter. If that doesn’t get you curious, then check out the blurb below: Continue Reading

Writing Now

#romanceclass Podcast Episode 4: Songs of Our Breakup by Jay E. Tria

My book as a podcast episode. Man, that sounds cool.

Songs of Our Breakup is episode 4 of the #romanceclass podcast. Now I’ve seen it performed live at FilReadercon last year, and while there is no rush like it, it’s a different feeling entirely hearing it (again and again and again) in its pure audio format. Here Gio Gahol plays Shinta and also reads the narration, while Rachel Coates plays Jill. The tilts in their voices, the pauses, the giggles and laughing smirks (hee) happen differently, and it’s just wonderful.

Here’s a short description of the book to start you off. And don’t forget to scroll down after for a chance to win giveaways.

Every breakup has its playlist.

How do you get over a seven-year relationship? 21-year-old Jill is trying to find out. But moving on is a harder job when Kim, her ex-boyfriend, is the lead guitarist of the band, and Jill is the vocalist. Every song they play together feels like slicing open a barely healed tattoo.

Jill’s best friend Miki says she will be out of this gloom soon. Breakups have a probation period, he says. Jill is on the last month of hers and Miki is patiently keeping her company.

But the real silver lining is Shinta. Having a hot Japanese actor friend in times like these is a welcome distraction. This gorgeous celebrity has been defying time zones and distance through the years to be there for Jill. Now he is here, physically present, and together he and Jill go through old lyrics, vivid memories, walks in the rain, and bottles of beer. Together they try to answer the question: what do you do when forever ends?

Click here to own the entire #romanceclass podcast season!

Click here to win stuff! a Rafflecopter giveaway

Up for grabs are:

  1. #romanceclass podcast the complete Season 1 + free pass to the next live reading,
  2. free pass to the next live reading,
  3. Fall Like Rain + Blast From Two Pasts + Never Just Friends + Cover Story Girl + The Boyfriend Backtrack print bundleprint bundle,
  4. Songs of Our Breakup + Finding X + The Kitchen When It Sizzles + Just For the Record + In Over Her Head print bundle,
  5. Choice of 5 ebook editions from entire season 1 selection

Head on over to producer/author/mad scientist Mina V. Esguerra‘s blog for notes on this episode. She starts it off with the following words:

Jay’s books haven’t been out that long but the reviews and reader love make it seem as if she’s been around for years. We hope this scene captures the reason why.

It warms my heart.

P.S. Here’s the same excerpt being read at Filipino Readercon! If you can hear squealing and giggles, that would be us, the people in attendance.

Watch out for the next one!

Life and Lemons Writing Now

The Year I Didn’t Turn 30

I realize this is my second 2015 year-end post, and there will be some overlapping highlights. I guess the double-post of sorts is testament to how remarkable last year had been.

And I did turn 30, technically. But going into 2015 I thought that’s all this year will be: the one when I turned another decade, wherein I would embark in a more serious hunt for anti-aging implements that worked, and I would solemnly swear that I’d watch what I eat, and that I would figure out if I like my day job enough. But I think it’s that fear exactly, of aging, of a bucket list I can’t keep up with, of being more than ever required to be an adult, that pushed me to take the leap on things I’ve only dreamed about. This year, I looked at some of those dreams in the face, and went ahead and grabbed them by their slippery tendrils. Continue Reading