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green smoothies

Food Review Healthy Living

Review: Rawlicious Planet Smoothies

The quest for health has led me back to one of the first dreams — juice detox. Desired because it sounded like a complete health reset button; unfulfilled because it was expensive and seemed just gosh darn difficult. As in most conflicts though, there lies a compromise somewhere in between, and I found it in Rawlicious Planet‘s green smoothies.

Since we’re being honest, the dream was relived really from a simple Google search of “juice detox Philippines,” leading me to a short list of organic juicers in the Metro of varying flavors and prices. I picked Rawlicious because they were relatively affordable, and they didn’t force you into the one-to-three-days detox program. They recommend daily meal replacement instead, that is 1 litter of their raw green smoothie in place of one meal. It was good deal, since my starter goal is to supplement my diet with fruits and vegetables that I lack from my meals.

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