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autumn wear


Things to Do on a Fall-Winter Trip to Korea: What to Wear

I live in a tropical country that knows only two seasons – heat and rain. So understandably, I was in a little bit of a panic when I found out that late November in Korea – where they enjoy four seasons – was already the transition from fall to winter. The sudden drop in average temperature from 12 degrees C to 7 and below in the week of our stay was testament to that, and Korean winter is notoriously bitter, with harsh winds coming straight from Siberia. In the two weeks leading to our trip I researched blogs, rounded up thick jackets, hoarded thermals and overdosed on winter survival tips. I like my trips cool, but the cold does bother me.

Now I can enumerate below my personal tips for surviving fall-winter in Korea. I survived without catching a cold, mind. I’m very proud of that. Continue Reading