Book Review

Review: Paper Planes Back Home by Tara Frejas

Paper Planes Back Home

Published on February 21, 2015
by Tara Frejas 
Genre: Contemporary Fiction, Fantasy, Romance

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When Gianna wakes up on a cloud, she is disoriented yet fascinated. She thinks she’s only dreaming until she gets a storm of paper planes—”They’re thoughts of people who remember,” a man on another cloud tells her—each pleading for her not to leave. The man tells her these planes are the key to get out of there, and while she thinks it’s hard to believe, she decides everything is worth trying if it meant finding her way back home.




I started reading Paper Planes Back Home days after I read the author’s StrangeLit story called The Forget You Brew. So I already knew I was going to get another imaginative story that would make several attempts at making me cry. Spoiler alert: the book succeeded in both points.

Paper Planes Back Home starts out on a cloud, where Gianna wakes up and meets Skylar, who patiently explains that they are in a form of limbo, and they need paper planes–manifestations of the thoughts of people who love them–to get them back home. As I flipped through each page, I grew more fascinated by the depth of Frejas‘ imagination, from the creation of this world between worlds, to the rules of the game, to the twists and turns of the intertwining stories. The characterizations were rich, and although the story introduced quite a bevy of characters, the author did not fail to keep my attentions on Gianna, Skylar, Aaron and Anna. The development of each of their stories got me hooked at each turn, and I rooted for them all until the end. At times I could predict where the story was taking me, but most times I was pleasantly surprised, and I consumed each word with my heart fervently hoping for a happy ending for them all.

The technical reader in me found a few things to note, however, from an abundance of adverbs to a few awkward sentences. But this was the author’s first ever novel, and in any case the kind of stories she weaved and the way that she wrote only told me that this was a writer who could only get better with each book she put out. And I cannot wait to read what she comes out with next.


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Tara Frejas is a cloud-walker who needs caffeine to fuel her travels. By day, she works in project management and events, and she writes down her daydreams at night. She began publishing fiction for public consumption in 2004, posting her pieces on various online channels like fan forums and Blogspot, eventually exploring other avenues like Livejournal, Soomp!, Tumblr, and most recently, Wattpad.

Aside from her obvious love affair with words and persistent muses, Tara is very passionate about being caffeinated, musical theatre, certain genres of music, dancing, dogs, good food, and romancing Norae, her ukelele. She owns a 6-month-old male bunny named Max who sometimes tries to nibble on her writing notes.

Paper Planes Back Home is her first novel.

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