The first time I was there I was aching to go home by the third day. But then I was with half the Espinosa kin, and although my youngest tita was all for banana boat rides and all the other touristy ‘adventures’ required of beach expeditions, there also was my mother, her presence circling like a hawk, censoring all forms of fun.
This time I was with my liquor-starved, work-hating, beach-happy bank friends. That’s a great combination of values. We were drinking the first night, in a bar on beanies in the sand. Fun. The second night (ehem, as early as four pm), I refuse to say that I was drunk, but I was definitely mighty dizzy. Kudos to the Mango Margarita and the Barlo Mojito AND the killer Jello Shot. Thanks to the sea for turning the dizziness to a mild buzzing. Apparently night-swimming helps tune down the ‘amats’.
Important disclaimer: swim with friends who can babysit you kindly.
Mark: Angie, I left my glasses on the chair. Guide me, it’s dark I can’t see.
Me: Marky, I don’t think I can guide you very well since I’m really really dizzy.
Marky: Oh no!
Me: Oh look I see three floating dots!
Marky: I only see two floating dots! (Still walking on the sand in the dark, clutching hands really tight and wobbling only slightly)
Me: No, look, three bobbing heads! People we know!
Mark: No, only two… ooh okay I see them now. gaahhh water!!!

Yeah, Dons go EAT that evil Mojito.
It was a fun swim. It’s good to know I still walk straight AND talk sense despite all the body-warming alcohol. As the wise bar tender said, “sayang naman ung bayad sa ininom kung hindi ka malalasing”. hahahaha
Donna puked twice in our toilet on the first night. Then she puked on the sink in the fancy hotel bar on that second afternoon. We stopped drinking after that. It was getting too funny.
WWe spent our more wholesome hours walking the miles-long (certainly felt like it) stretch of sand, buying cheap things that we still haggled unfailingly for. Tin had her hair-braided (it lasted one and a half day) and we got henna tatoos. So touristy, haha.
We people-watched the steady stream of Koreans and Chinese and the assortment of white dudes crowding the beach who looked back curiously too. We had Jonas milkshake and the best waffles in Zuzuni ever, and although everything there was at a 1.4 price index, those three days were a massive food trip that i wouldn’t have wanted to end if i wasn’t running low on funds. I am so over banana boats and island hopping excursions. So i’m glad we traded all that for actual laying down on pillowed benches, with iPods and magazines while waiting for the sunset and with the mighty sea breeze refreshingly cold on our almost-sunburned skin. That, really was the life.

Livin’ the lazy life.
I really shouldn’t have come home yet. I didn’t even get a tan, I’m still my usual pasty self.
September 23, 2009 at 2:33 pmWow, that sounds so fun! Okay, you’re definitely not stressed anymore, hope you got your sleep back!
Ahh, the joys of being of legal age. Seriously it seems like you had so much fun (too much fun? No such thing!). It didn’t rain though, right? Cause like, that would’ve been scary.
Ohwell, I’m reading Gregory Maguire’s Confessions of an Ugly Step Sister now. It’s pretty good so far.:> I like fairy tales and the middle ages.:D Speaking of which, I can’t remember what Ransom My Heart was all about now, just that the guy was hot.<3 I think I'm getting a bit forgetful. I can't remember what half the stuff on my bookshelf are about.:| I think I need to read them all over again. Haha.
But anyway, enough of that. I'm off to do school stuff now, I just took a little break.
Love you, and I'll see you soon, okay?:D FOr New Moon, definitely, or if we can squeeze in something in between?:D
September 24, 2009 at 2:04 pmreally hope we can see each other pre-new moon. but you’re so busy!! you’re so busy, you’re like a celebrity! haha
hey, was fragile eternity any good? am thinking of buying it soon as i finish re-reading HP and twi-saga, since i of course have the same infection you have, i.e. poor memory.
no rain in boracay! sunny as summer! and i so miss it. i wanna go back!!! wanna see pictures?? =)
September 24, 2009 at 2:50 pmhaha i can’t help sneaking in some pictures. note how donna is all red and patchy in the first pic. heehee. want to show you the others, if you would oblige.
September 28, 2009 at 12:08 amYeah, sure! I wanna see the rest!
It looks so much fun~vacationing with friends. Love the last pic, ate!:)
September 28, 2009 at 1:33 pmhehe. thanks =) everything is in facebook, where all pictures are in this day and age. come see if you have time.
that was truly the bestest vacation I have ever had. can’t wait to do it again, although we need to replenish our gold piles. haha.
maybe somedaaaaayyyyyy we can vacay together too =)
October 1, 2009 at 9:37 amWhen I’m all legal and have unlimited cash stock we’ll tour Japan and Europe and lay on every beach known to man, that’s a promise.
October 1, 2009 at 1:37 pmpromise? promise??? i will remember that forever.
omgee. a friend of my staff went to japan for 3 frickin months. and she’s married to a japanese who buys her tennis necklaces and ipods and psp and who is super nice and hot too. ugh. i’m inggit.