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Missha Time Revolution White Cure Blanc Control Essence

Makeup and Skincare

Korean 10-Step Skin Care Routine – Seoul Haul Update

It has been almost a year since I committed to this admittedly elaborate, mildly bankruptcy-inducing, gloriously enjoyable 10-step skin care ritual. Since then, what have I to show for it? Do I presently show any semblance to Jun Jihyun. Um. No. Did I see any improvement in my skin? Categorically, yes. My skin is happily acne-free and virtually blemish-free. I now dare leave the house with only sunblock, some concealer and powder, while still looking human.

Now I do not believe that this is solely due to a painstaking beauty ritual, as it is a team effort of better stress management, a bit more sleep, and maybe even my pescetarian diet. That, or maybe my hormones are just taking a break. Either way, it is easy to know when a skin care product works for you or against you, and below I list down the goodies that at present, work very well for me. Most of the new additions to this list were curated during my November trip in Seoul (also known as the days my credit card ran a marathon). Shall we? Continue Reading