Because my friend Dianne is such a good inspiration, and I’ve missed writing slumbook entries…Twitter is so over it by now, but this is a weirdly therapeutic exercise, and I dare you to finish reading, lol. I doubt if I am that interesting.
- I am left-handed.
- I have a feeling I will die of drowning, or a car accident.
- I like blue and yellow.
- I used to be a fan of the Backstreet Boys and The Moffatts. I tend to regret that fact, unless I am in the Karaoke.
- I love going to the Karaoke with my sister and cousins, and only one other particular group of friends who are allowed to suffer my tone-deaf singing.
- I want to sing Kpop songs in the Karaoke, only the lyrics are usually always in Hangul.
- I daydream in my spare time.
- I think if I were born a boy, I’d be very cute, and I’d be way cooler than I am now.
- If I were to be born a boy, I’d like to be a Korean or Japanese boy, and I’d be a rock star like Hyde or an idol like Donghae, only taller.
- I am sleepy all the time.
- Keep me still for two minutes and I will fall asleep. That is money-back guaranteed.
- I am not a morning person.
- I panic easily.
- I have the ability to doubt and be sure of myself all at once. It’s a unique, emotionally-draining skill @__@
- My penmanship has been degrading with time. I think it started with college, and I blame computers for that.
- My right hand shakes sometimes. I fear carpal tunnel.
- My back always hurts, and the left part of my shoulder makes this creepy cracking sound when I move it.
- I cannot swim.
- I am 5’8, and I like it.
- I am 123 lbs as of last count and am apparently still underweight, but it still makes me panic (specially since my sister keeps telling me I am getting fat).
- I want Krystal’s abs (and I mean that in a wholesome way, cc: Katie XP)
- I am a writer.
- I’ve been writing novels since I was in grade school. Don’t ask me about the quality of the plot, but the grammar is good and it makes me proud.
- I finished my first ever YA novel sometime last year. I dream for it to be published one day.
- I tried querying and got 2 rejects, and it felt weirdly good.
- I’ve been working in a bank for 5 years and I do not like it.
- My ultimate goal in life is to write for a living, like JK Rowling. And like her, I believe it will only too late the moment I give up.
- I worked for a Kpop news site for 8 months (?) and got $30 and a bunch of great sexy friends for my sincere efforts.
- I am Twitter-married to Katie Berka.
- We have a daughter named Nessa, but she doesn’t seem to like me much >,<
- My favorite dongsaeng is Shefa Aktar.
- My favorite imotou is Mina Dilig.
- My favorite sister is Ace Tria.
- My sister and I have been going to Woorijib restaurant a lot lately to eat our stress away with lots of banchan and kimbap.
- My omma is Mercedes and my abujji is Sungmin.
- I am too nice sometimes, bordering on cowardice.
- My patience is long but has a dead end. Beware the dead end.
- I feel in love with Jpop first. But it’s Kpop all around now.
- I think I was way cooler when I was listening to the Killers and Sandwich, but no regrets.
- I used to go watch gigs in a small old rusty place called Saguijo in the middle of the week, then crash at my staffs’ dorm. Good times.
- Oguri Shun is my husband.
- Lee Donghae is my ultimate Kpop bias. He got kind of pushed aside when I discovered Onew and Taemin, but we have rediscovered each other now.
- My first ever concert was Eraserheads, the Reunion.
- I watched Ghost Fighter the movie in a cinema with my entire family XD Family bonding moment.
- I watched UAAP basketball games a lot in college. I always rooted for Ateneo, though I was a UP student *fail*.
- I think UP is the best school ever, and made me into the person I am now.
- I think Ateneo is okay-ish, and I am enrolled there now because UP is so mean, won’t make Saturday classes for working slaves like me.
- My first ever Kpop experience was Super Junior Super Show 2. I did not even like them then, and only wanted to keep my sister company.
- I was christened a fan girl that night.
- I used to love Arashi. Matsujun all the way! (such a tiny voice and a tiny ass)
- I ship Matsujun and Inoue Mao, or Oguri Shun and Inoue Mao (if we truly are not meant to be).
- My favorite Kpop idol groups are SHINee and Super Junior.
- I like a bunch of other idols and their songs, but my heart can only handle loving two groups at one time. I love a lot, and loving gets expensive.
- My favorite drama of all time is Hana Yori Dango 1 and 2.
- One of my favorite movies is Jay Chou’s Secret. Jay Chou is a genius.
- I love Hong Kong. I wanna go there and buy their cute cakes every year.
- I love Hong Kong because there I can wear my winter-y idol-y clothes without being judged.
- At work they say I dress like salary women in K-dramas.
- At play, I dress like a namja idol. And often, that is hard to explain to my peers.
- Sometimes I wonder if people mistake me for a lesbian.
- On April 9 2011, two separate salesladies called me ‘sir’. I will not be returning to their stores.
- I am often called ‘sir’ on the phone.
- I’ve had long hair since I was a child, all the way until I was 21. I looked like a soggy mermaid before I chopped it off.
- Once you go short, you will never go back.
- My favorite hair place is Tony and Jackey.
- There, one hot Korean stylist named Eddie asked me if I wanted him as my boyfriend.
- I love to read. Reading is one of the things I can do for days on end without complaint. Ditto writing.
- My favorite book of all time is Pride and Prejudice. Mr Darcy for the win.
- My favorite series of all time is the Harry Potter books. I read them over at least one book once a year.
- The therapy place for my sister and me is Trinoma. We hug Trinoma when we’ve missed it.
- I love Green Tea frappe in Starbucks, but I am now going without the whipped cream.
- Chocolates are my vitamins.
- I’ve had only one boyfriend, and we lasted for seven years.
- He broke up with me, and at the risk of sounding bitter, I really am glad he did.
- I am happy man invented skinny jeans and BB cream.
- Ditto Chucks and Keds. I want them all!
- I have never gotten drunk, nor do I intend to have the experience.
- I love my friends, but we are all so stubborn, I wonder sometimes how we get along.
- For some weird reason, I like school.
- Taking my MBA is part of my life plan (and my mother’s requirement before I can marry). What happens after that is open-ended.
- On the lighter side though, after my masters, I intend to take classes in Korean and Japanese language, and swimming lessons (if somebody will still take me in).
- Leave me to wait inside a bookstore and you won’t hear me complain.
- I love watching movies, and always in the farthest topmost seat.
- Sometimes, I really hate my job.
- I make a really bad teacher.
- I assume all people are smart, and I am often wrong. I am arrogant that way.
- I have size nine feet. Big ass boats.
- My sisters will never forgive me if I go to Japan or Korea without them.
- I am massively introverted.
- Most times, I prefer sitting alone with my iPod and a book than being with friends. It’s a preference, not a sickness.
- There is a disconnect between my brain and my mouth.
- I have an active fear of speaking in front of people. And no it does not get better with age.
- I miss riding bikes.
- I like Math and English.
- Science and I hate each other.
- My mother raised me as a geek, giving me books instead of dolls, and pressuring me to be ranked 1 in class since kindergarten. But I’m grateful to her now for it.
- As Finance VP in my college organization in senior year, I organized a rock concert. It was sheer mess and attendance was lukewarm, but it goes down to my list of accomplishments.
- I competed as features editor in a regional meet in high school. I lost and cried over it.
- I love my mother, but we don’t tell each other those things.
- Objectively, my country is a crappy place, but I love it.
April 27, 2011 at 2:37 pm*finally gets to reading this, I had it as a saved tab ;)*
I made it to your facts
Never give up trying to get stuff published coz that would be amazing! <3
I had no idea you were such a writer, I want to read your stuff! Do you write in Tagalog or English, coz I might struggle with the first unless its dirty stuff you taught me
LOL at being called 'sir' twice in one day haha, that's why I'm the wifey
I really enjoyed reading this and learning more about you
April 27, 2011 at 9:15 pmyobo!!! wow I never imagine anyone would read through this, and I am glad you are the first (and possibly only one) who did <3
I was kinda waiting for that 'sir' moment, with my hair so short, but it still did not feel good hearing that, lol.
I am kinda such a writer, and I write in English XD ironically, Tagalog was one of my worst subjects in school. My Tagalog is iffy and all slang-y. I have only one semi-finished stuff (the editing process is never ending), but I am shy to let you read it :/ and thank you my love, the dream of getting published lives like a torch in my heart <3
Versatile Daydreamer? | Daydreaming since 1985. Sometimes with actual results.
June 9, 2013 at 12:30 pm[…] blog side bar). 7 Random Facts Not so long ago, I played willing victim to the Twitter trend of #100factsaboutme, less because I felt people are dying to know but more because it was a good exercise on […]