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Paperback Giveaway via Will Read for Feels: Blossom Among Flowers

Last month, I released print editions of my two books Blossom Among Flowers and Songs of Our Breakup. If you missed that exciting announcement, you can find the order form here. If you have your eyes on my manga-novel Blossom Among Flowers though, here, have a giveaway! <3 Click the link and join the raffle, brought to us by the sexy ladies of Will Read for Feels. Raffle is valid only until this Halloween Saturday, October 31. So come on, CLICK NOW.

If you need further convincing, author and StrangeLit classmate Chi Rodriguez live tweeted as she read the book. Scroll down for her fun, spoiler-free tweets.


BAF tweet

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And she ended this live tweet session with an actual puking-rainbows review on Goodreads.

Ready to join the giveaway NOW? Awesome.

Blossom Among Flowers is available on Amazon, Buqo and in print.

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