Food Review

Nick Miller Meets Space Man and Jake the Dog for the Buffet

Featuring Jake the Dog and Jigo Viray

Jake the Dog wants a lick of your ice cream, man.

When going to a buffet dinner, the first priority is comfort and ease of movement. Yes, there is a well-thought out fashion strategy for dining out in that particularly high speed, high volume environment. For that night, I turn to my new eating pants a.k.a. space pants a.k.a. SHINee pants (black stretch and faux leather panels), my red checked Nick Miller shirt, and trusty black Converse high cuts. My cousin came in with Jake the dog in his shirt pocket, and his luxurious ridiculous hair in a ponytail.

Buffet on.

#citybuffet #SMfairview #EnsemblesShirt #LandmarkJeggings #ConverseHighCuts #SchoolFairAdventuretimeShirt


Part 2. Buffet review of City Buffet SM Fairview branch

Pros – acceptable variety of dishes, from Filipino, Japanese, Chinese, Korean and Western fare.   A lot of dessert offerings. Good cooking. Attendant staff.

Cons – you pay for drinks separately, but that is standard regulation for buffets. The limited offering of sashimi (no tuna?? seriously??) is unacceptable to me though. So is the limited Korean fare and lack of banchan.

Verdict – worth the time, money, and the wider waistband. I suggest though not to go there after only a recent Vikings buffet visit. Everything just pales in comparison.

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